Word Clouds Created

Sentiments Analyzed

Articles Summarized

Words Counted ...Characters Counted:

About Us

We are providing you the power to analyze articles from your favorite news sources.

Word Cloud

Word Clouds gives you insights into what words are repeated the most.

Sentiment Analysis

Figure out how polarizing your article is. Determine its objectivity.


Straight to the point. Get a short summary of what your article is about.

Word/Character Count

Count the words and characters in your article.


The following services are here to offer you insights into your favorite news articles.

Word Cloud

Generate a word cloud from your favorite articles.

Polarity Analysis

Determine how polarizing your article is.

Subjectivity Analysis

Determine how subjective your article is.

Summarize Article

To the point. Get the general jist of the article.

Count Word/Character

Count the characters and words.

Bangla Word Cloud (BETA)

Generate a Bangla word cloud from your favorite Bangla articles.

Why Us

We offer the services to you free of cost. Our goal is to provide you the tools to analyze the news of your choice. Be informed and keep your mind free.



News should have tempered headlines with vetted information. We should not accept anything less.



Need for objective news from all news sources. News should be about the facts and not opinions.



News sources need to be accountable for the content they put out in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common queries you may have.

  • What is a word cloud?

    Word Clouds are images with word clusters. The words in the clusters are sized according to their frequency. The larger the word, the more it was used in the article. This gives us an idea into what might be the main idea or topic.

  • It is important to determine whether or not your article is too subjective. Is the article that is portraying itself as fact filled with opinions of the writer> It is important to make sure the articles that are informing and shaping our views are not too subjective and that it maintains a healthy level of objectivity.

    Determining polarity is also another important aspect of sentiment analysis. So called objective news for the most part should be neutral. Too much negativity or positivity may be trying to influence your views. The news' job is not to shape our views, but to simply offer us all the facts so that we can come to our own conclusions and construct our own views.

  • Yes, we are aware of the bugs and issues with our Bangla language services. Keep in mind that the Bangla language services are still in beta. It is an ongoing process and we are trying our best mitigate the problems that we are facing.

  • We do this as a public service. We believe in a well informed populus. Everyone should have access to tools that scrutize their news source.

  • If you need any customized solutions for yourself or your business. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us withing our email or socials specified in the contact section down below.


Get in touch with any questions or queries. If you require any software and/or webservices, do not hesitate to reach out.





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